You Can Lease Just About Any Type of Equipment!
Eight out of 10 businesses use leasing to acquire equipment. Typical types of equipment include:
- Computer Equipment & Software
- Fax Equipment / Copiers
- Office Furniture
- Printing Equipment
- Manufacturing and Construction Equipment
- Commercial Vehicles (Trucks, Trailers)
- Telecommunications Equipment
- Medical Equipment
Conserves your cash and working capital
Cash is not tied up in equipment. Instead, money is available for opportunities such as marketing, working capital, or seasonal cash flow needs.
Preserves your credit lines
Your existing lines of credit and borrowing availability are left untouched – ready to use for operational and short-term financing needs.
Pay only for what you use
Monthly payments allow you to use your equipment immediately – your only initial cash outlay is the first and last rental payment. And, the new equipment, with its operating efficiency, pays for itself as you use it…over time. Profits are generated by the use rather than the ownership of equipment. Ownership can be an expensive luxury!
Leasing is 100% Financing
Our leases finance 100% of the cost of the equipment. You can include “soft” costs in your lease such as shipping, software, training, and installation. Unlike a bank loan, there is no down payment or compensating balances required.
Leasing Eliminates Equipment Obsolescence
Leasing lets you regularly upgrade your equipment to a state-of-the-art level, eliminating the inefficiencies of owning out-dated equipment.
Provides a Variety of Tax Benefits
Unlike loan payments, lease payments may be fully tax deductible as an operational expense.
Budget Limitations are Overcome
In situations where limited budgets would ordinarily delay or prevent the acquisition of equipment due to a limit on capital expenditures, leasing allows for quick budget approval due to its small monthly expense. A lease can fit the tightest of budgetary constraints.
Questions? Check out our Equipment Leasing FAQ page or give us a call today at (888) 848-9893.